Morning Docket: Meet Billy Merck

[Ed. note: After reviewing your applications for the position of Morning Docket writer, we picked not one but two excellent writers to provide you with an entertaining summary of the morning’s legal news.
Today we’re pleased to introduce Billy Merck. Billy will share Morning Docket authorship with B Clerker, whom you met last week. Welcome, Billy!]
Billy Merck comes to ATL from the real ATL (Atlanta, Georgia), or at least the ATL media market (more accurately, from the ATH, or the AHN (Athens, Georgia), if you’re into airport codes).
Billy is a double graduate of a large state university. He’s worked making sausage drafting legislation, as a judicial law clerk, and now as a sole practitioner. Although he’s never personally experienced Biglaw, he’s heard things, and he’s quite certain that he’s not missing that much. He nevertheless feels that he has a level of disillusionment with the law to rival the most downtrodden midlevel associate. He expects to cathartically channel all of this negative energy and frustration into insightfully snarky legal news nuggets to get your mornings started right.
As a bit of shameless self-promotion, Billy suggests you take a look at He also hopes that you enjoy his contributions to ATL, and he now needs to go pretend to do some real work.
