The Breyer-Fried Discussion: A Photo Essay

As we mentioned last week, on Friday we were delighted to attend “On Liberty: A conversation between Justice Stephen Breyer and Professor Charles Fried,” of Harvard Law School.

We were invited to this event by Georgetown Law Professor Neal Katyal, a legal academic celebrity (and former Breyer clerk). Professor Katyal did an excellent job as moderator of the discussion.

A more detailed report will follow in short order. For now, check out our pretty blurry pictures — after the jump.

The discussion took place in McDonough Hall, at the Georgetown University Law Center in downtown Washington.

The proceedings were kicked off by First Amendment scholar Ronald Collins, of the Supreme Court Fellows Alumni Association. Collins wagged his finger vigorously at the audience, declaring emphatically that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”

Justice Breyer recites a Supreme Court koan: “If an ERISA opinion is issued, and nobody bothers to read it, does it count as precedent?”


Professor Fried lends the absent-minded Professor Katyal a helping hand. Supreme Court clerks: Brilliant legal minds, but they have a tough time getting dressed in the morning.

How to describe the laughter of the two men in the foreground? Chortles? Titters? Girlish giggles of delight?

If you see something, say something: Why are the security personnel ignoring the unattended bag?

(Yeah, we know, it belongs to Professor Fried. But we like this image anyway.)

Professor Charles Fried, mobbed by Con Law and political theory groupies after the talk.


More groupies, patiently waiting in line for Professor Fried to autograph copies of his new book, Modern Liberty.

The Charles Fried book signing: far more orderly than the Pamela Anderson book signing in Borat.

Left to right: Justice Stephen G. Breyer; Professor Neal K. Katyal; Professor Charles Fried; and Ronald K.L. Collins. Professor Katyal wants to know: “Who invited this clown?”

Georgetown 3Ls Brendon DeMay and Miriam Lederer.

A massage right now sounds fantastic. Do “Kimberly, Kelly & Heather” take clients outside Georgetown Law? And do they make house calls?

Georgetown Law School: More religious than Sea-Tac airport.

(This should not be surprising. Although Georgetown accepts students of all faiths, the university does have Catholic and Jesuit origins.)

Earlier: A Quick Note on the Breyer-Fried Discussion
Programming Note: More Quality Time With Justice Breyer