Charney v. Sullivan & Cromwell: A Brief Linkwrap

More ATL coverage of yesterday’s proceedings in Sullivan & Cromwell v. Charney will be appearing shortly. Be patient.
Normally we’d apologize for the delay and beg your kind indulgence. But we have taken the advice of this commenter to heart. Having discovered our inner diva, we now say to you: You’ll get it when you’ll get it.
Our new high-handed attitude also means that we’ll be posting less frequently in the comments, to hold ourselves above the fray. But we will continue to discuss comments that catch our eye on the main page.
While waiting for more coverage from us, here are some Charney-licious links that you should check out (in addition to the ones we collected yesterday):
1. Destroyed Hard Drive Becomes Focus of Hearing in Sullivan & Cromwell Suit [New York Law Journal]
Very good piece by Anthony Lin, whom we had the pleasure of meeting after yesterday’s hearing. Money quote, on the issue of Aaron Charney’s hard drive (which we explained yesterday):

[Justice Bernard] Fried originally ordered Charney to produce an affidavit explaining the hard drive’s destruction by the end of Thursday, but he later extended that time until Feb. 14 in order to give Charney time to consult with another member of his legal team, noted criminal defense lawyer Michael Kennedy, on possible Fifth Amendment issues…

Kennedy has also represented a number of high-profile clients, including Robert Durst, the real estate heir convicted of murder in Texas.

So the speculation of some of you, concerning possible criminal exposure for Charney in this case that might warrant careful consideration of Fifth Amendment issues, was not entirely off-base.
2. Charney/S&C Takes New Twists and Turns [Leonard Link]
What substantive law will apply to Charney v. Sullivan & Cromwell [Leonard Link]
A pair of excellent, substantive posts by Professor Arthur Leonard of New York Law School. Professor Leonard is both a legal academic and a journalist.
Recently he wrote us about a prior item of ours:

I was just scrolling back through your coverage and noted your speculation about my article concerning the Charney case in Gay City News.

I wrote my article based entirely on reading the complaint, which was given to me by a colleague on the day it was circulating on-line. My article was not based on other media coverage, which hadn’t occurred yet when I wrote it. Gay City News is a print weekly, and so articles may be written days before they appear….

Your speculation about who at NYLS gave me the complaint is totally incorrect. There are half a dozen gay faculty members here, and [William] LaPiana had nothing to do with cluing me into the story.

New York Law School: It’s just like S&C. It’s way the heck downtown, and it has oodles of gay people.
(But hopefully gays at NYLS are treated better than Aaron Charney was allegedly treated at S&C.)
3. Controversy Continues: LeGal, Aaron Charney and Sullivan & Cromwell [Soloway]
Lavi (pronounced LAY-vee) Soloway has been doing a great job covering L’Affaire Charney — despite having a demanding day job, as a practicing immigration lawyer.
We saw him in the courtroom at yesterday’s hearing. He’s quite cute, very young-looking for 40, and he dresses very well.
And he takes good photographs , too. Be sure to click on the thumbnails to see the true quality of each image.
4. Daily Intelligencer [New York Magazine]
Contains a shout-out to an earlier post of ours, which it describes as containing “[a]nonymous trash-talking” and “tawdry mixed metaphors.”
Why thank you, NYM! We do try around here.
5. Desperate Attorneys [Law Firm Diversity]
A brief item about the case, from a legal blog that appears to be on its last legs (per the author, Mr. Thorne, who claims to have lost business due to his blogging).
Earlier: Prior ATL coverage of Aaron Charney and S&C (scroll down)
