Skaddenfreude: Williams & Connolly Weighs In

We didn’t receive this information from a verified source at the firm, so please treat it as unconfirmed. We’re going to fact-check this information “blog-style”: we’re going to throw it out there, then wait for somebody to tell us it’s wrong (or to confirm it).

Anyway, here it is, from an email from an anonymous source:

On Tuesday, Williams & Connolly LLP raised its salaries across the board, retroactive to January 1. Starting salary for first-years is now $165,000.

1st years: 165,000.
2nd years: 180,000.
3rd years: 195,000.
4th years: 210,000.
5th years: 225,000.
6th years: 245,000.
7th years: 265,000.

You’ll note that these numbers are higher, at least in the most junior years, than what appears to be the new standard for Washington: 145/155/170/190. They’re also higher, at least in the first three years, than the new NYC scale (which also applies to the D.C. offices of New York firms): 160/170/185.

But this is consistent with the Williams & Connolly pay scale of years past. Their base salaries are somewhat higher than market, but they don’t pay year-end bonuses.

As noted, if you know this information to be incorrect — or if, on the other hand, you can confirm — please email us. Thanks!

Update: The information appearing above, concerning Williams & Connolly, has been confirmed.
