From the Bad Ideas File

Actually, make that the “Very Bad Ideas” file.
Our personal preference is to ignore such people and things (which is what we’ve been doing until now). But several of you have emailed us about this incident, which has been covered in the MSM; so interest in it is obviously high.
Here’s what one source had to say:

As you may know, Hastings College of Law was evacuated [on Wednesday] as a result of an asinine post on autoadmit threatening Virginia Tech like violence, which, it turns out, was posted by a Boalt 1L. It turned out to be a tasteless joke, but the problems it has created seem to be never ending, including an ID checkpoint in front of the campus, the cancellation of numerous events including a journal symposium, and now, unacceptably, our bi-monthly ration of free beer and the Law Revue that was to follow it.

So read the links collected below, and discuss in the comments if you’re so inclined. Thanks.
Autoadmit (aka the Ciolli/Cohen Discussion Board) “Strikes Again” [Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports]
Lockdown: Virginia Tech Copycat Threat Causes Hastings Evacuation [Hastings News]
Hastings Scare: Threat on Web Shuts Law College [San Francisco Chronicle]
Copycat Threat Shuts Hastings Law School [San Francisco Chronicle]
Threats Taken Seriously at SF Law College [Bay City News Service]
