Judge Robert E. Keeton, R.I.P.

The Honorable Robert E. Keeton, of the District of Massachusetts, passed away earlier this week. Judge Keeton was a Harvard Law School professor, a World War II hero, and an editor of the classic Prosser & Keeton on Torts.
Update: As noted in the comments, Judge Keeton’s brother, Werdner Page Keeton, was the lead Keeton on the book.
Judge Keeton liked to tell funny stories during his weekly chambers meetings. From the Boston Globe:

He particularly enjoyed telling about the time his mother-in-law came to his house and made biscuits.

“She went into the cabinet and she took out what she thought was flour,” [judicial assistant Lily] Diblasi said. “She made biscuits and put them on the table with all the other fixings. The judge took a bite and said, ‘Mother, these biscuits are quite good but where did you find the flour to make them?’ It turned out to be wall paper paste. . . But he graciously ate it.”

(Moral of the story: Keep your mother-in-law away from the kitchen.)
Our sympathies go out to Judge Keeton’s family, and to his extended family of judicial colleagues and former law clerks.
Robert E. Keeton, 88, judge, professor, author, war hero [Boston Globe]
Robert E. Keeton, pioneer of insurance law and District Court judge: 1919-2007 [Harvard Law School]
