Nina Totenberg's All-Too-Open House

The interesting anecdotes about NPR’s Nina Totenberg, the grande dame of the Supreme Court press corps, continue to fill our inbox. And just as in the case of Peter Barta, it’s fascinating to see how little stories can come together, like pieces of a puzzle, to give you a more complete portrait of a person.
Anyway, here’s the latest gossip about Ms. Nina, from a former neighbor:

True story. Nina Totenberg used to live [a few] blocks away from me on Capitol Hill.

A few years back, she put her house on the market and had an open house. The house was perfectly fine — nothing particularly grand or tacky.

The one thing that stuck out, however, was that she left her nylons hanging to dry in the bathroom. Classy.

Très, très Britney. Not unlike loudly chewing gum during a Supreme Court argument.
Earlier: Prior ATL coverage of Nina Totenberg (scroll down)
