Trial Transcripts Don't Lie: Crack Really Is Wack

The following comes from a trial in the Southern District of Alabama, Chief Judge Ginny Granade presiding. It’s from an assistant U.S. attorney’s examination of an accomplice in a bank robbery:

Q: Well, let me just as an aside right now, what kind of a high, what kind of feeling do you get from smoking, and you were smoking crack?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: What kind of a high do you get from that?

A: You get a real intense high and you’re not really able to really able to make good — good judgment calls about what you’re doing.

News flash: Crack use may impair your judgment. That’s why all the Biglaw attorneys stick to powder cocaine. Clients pay them big bucks for their sound judgment!
The excerpt from the trial transcript continues, after the jump.

Here’s the rest of the AUSA’s questioning of the bank robbery accomplice:

Q: But do you remember what you’re doing?

A: Some of it, some of the things I do I remember, not all of them. I’m not going to lie about it because whenever I smoke crack it makes my real dingy.

Q: Dingy like what does that mean?

A: Have you ever drunk a 12-pack real quick?

Q: (No response.)

A: That’s the kind of dingy I’m talking about.

(Laughter in the courtroom.)

(We’re kind of loving this court reporter right now.)

AUSA: Just for the record, no, I haven’t ever.

THE COURT: I was going to say you don’t have to answer that question.


Who says the Fifth Amendment is dead?

Q: Okay. All right.

A: It’s just like drinking, it’s like me drinking a 12-pack in about five minutes. It would be like me drinking a whole 12-pack in five minutes. When it hits me, it hits me, you know. I really don’t know half the time what I’m doing. I can’t drive, I have to stop driving and everything else.

This testimony establishes that the testifying witness was not Whitney Houston, Lindsay Lohan, or Paris Hilton. Because Hollywood celebrities have no qualms about driving under the influence…
