Non-Sequiturs: 10.30.07 (and Bonus Open Thread)

We have to step away for a bit. If any firm makes a bonus announcement while we’re gone, please note it in the comments, and we’ll investigate when we return. Thanks.
* In response to Professor Art Leonard’s question about the Charney settlement — “Will Aaron Charney ever have to work again”? — Professor Scott Moss writes: “Yes, unless Charney wants to experience his ‘early retirement’ in a rural trailer park.” [PrawfsBlawg]
* “A young and uneducated criminal defendant serving 30-to-life in a maximum security prison isn’t likely to be a specialist in appellate practice.” Unless his name is Jonathan Lee Riches. [Volokh Conspiracy]
* “Blogging is hard. Hard. The law is a jealous mistress. So is blogging… We’ve each written books, and law review articles, and supreme court briefs. This is harder. Much, much harder.” (Oh, and Happy Birthday!) [Drug and Device Law]
* Another transatlantic law firm merger: Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge swallows up Kendall Freeman of London. []
* Do you enjoy your job? Take this test. [What About Clients?]
* YLS battle royal? Kate Stith lays the smackdown on Jed Rubenfeld. [New York Times]
