Lawyer of the Day: Mark Vincent Kaplan aka K-Fed's Attorney

The inanity of Kevin Federline’s fame never ceases to amaze. He has achieved widespread recognition by shacking up with Britney Spears, making some babies, and creating some bad music.
K-Fed has garnered enough media attention that there’s some excess for his attorney. Mark Vincent Kaplan is interviewed by the AP this week. He talks about the custody proceedings over Spears and K-Fed’s two children and how the case has helped his career:

The case is arguably among the most significant in the attorney’s 34-year career, and Kaplan said it has inspired personal satisfaction and professional growth.

“Very few lawyers get the opportunity that this case has presented on every possible issue you can think of,” he continued. “Even fewer lawyers recognize the opportunity, and even a smaller percentage of those have the (guts) to go for the opportunity.”

Of course being around celebrity has perks of its own.

“It’s made it possible to not have to make reservations at a restaurant,” he said, “but that too shall pass.”

Celebrity divorces and custody battles seem like a nice niche. No reservations needed at restaurants. He gets to use the paparazzi to do his research instead of hiring private investigators (like that no-good Pellicano guy).
His quote seems a little defensive, though. Maybe because there’s a good percentage of attorneys who wouldn’t want their name followed by “aka K-Fed’s attorney.”
We spotlighted Kaplan previously as a Lawyer to Layabout Lovers. He also served as counsel to Chris Judd, another back-up dancer turned celebrity husband, in his divorce from Jennifer Lopez.
Federline Lawyer Candid About Spears Custody Case: ‘There’s Never Been Anything Like This’ [Associated Press via]
