So ... Having Sex with Prostitutes is Okay Now?

No charges will be filed against Eliot Spitzer for his participation in a prostitution ring. According to the Wall Street Journal:

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia said that investigators found no evidence that Mr. Spitzer or his office misused public or campaign funds for prostitution. Federal prosecutors typically don’t prosecute clients of prostitution rings.

I suppose losing your job, your career, and being publicly humiliated is punishment enough. But couldn’t they at least have made him pick up trash in Central Park for 80 hours?

Spitzer’s statement was apologetic:

I appreciate the impartiality and thoroughness of the investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and I acknowledge and accept responsibility for the conduct it disclosed. I resigned my position as Governor because I recognized that conduct was unworthy of an elected official. I once again apologize for my actions.

Anybody want to set the odds for a Spitzer 2012 comeback? Lieberman-Spitzer could lead the Excommunication Party.

Prosecutors Won’t Charge Spitzer in Prostitution Scandal [WSJ]
