Nationwide Layoff Watch: Second Round of Layoffs at Day Pitney

Back in February, Day Pitney laid off a number of staff. Today, the bad news has trickled up into the associate ranks. The firm wide memo just went out:

Earlier today, we met with 20 associates and counsel to notify them that their positions are being eliminated. The reductions are spread throughout our offices and practice areas. We deeply regret the need to take these steps. All of the people whose jobs have been eliminated are highly skilled professionals who have made significant contributions to the Firm. Each person has been offered a severance package that includes outplacement services.

Does anybody know when the Day Pitney summers are starting?
At least the displaced Day Pitney associates will get to enjoy their summer without having to worry about working inside all day. Fresh air, clean living, and maybe some camping? They can get a head start on learning the post-apocalyptic survival skills that will be key come the fall.
Read the full memo after the jump. Good luck to those who lost their jobs today.

Earlier today, we met with 20 associates and counsel to notify them that their positions
are being eliminated. The reductions are spread throughout our offices and practice areas. We
deeply regret the need to take these steps. All of the people whose jobs have been eliminated are highly skilled professionals who have made significant contributions to the Firm. Each person
has been offered a severance package that includes outplacement services.
When we announced reductions in staff levels in February, we stated that we had no current plans to layoff attorneys. Unfortunately, the demand for legal services has continued to decline, with the result that we have found ourselves with excess capacity. While no one can predict the future, we hope that, by taking these steps now, we can avoid the need for additional
reductions in the future.
As a further step to address the Firm’s excess capacity, we have moved the start date for our incoming associates to January 5, 2010. We will be providing each member of our incoming
class a weekly stipend from September 15 through December 31, 2009 and are encouraging each of them to participate in available public interest opportunities.
We appreciate your continuing efforts on behalf of our clients and the Firm. If you would like to discuss these matters, please feel free to speak with any member of the Executive Committee.
Earlier: Nationwide Layoff Watch: Day (Pitney) of Reckoning (66 Staff Fired)


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