Bar Exam Open Thread: Breaking Free of the Bar

If you just finished your state bar exam today, Above the Law is here for you. If you finished the bar yesterday, immediately went to a purveyor of alcohol, and are just waking up now with a midget stripper in your bed, welcome back.
No matter how badly you think you did on your bar exam, trust me, you did better than Carlos Enrique Gomez-Alvarez. The Salt Lake Tribune reports:

A Utah immigration attorney and four of his employees accused in a visa fraud scheme on Wednesday entered not guilty pleas to the crimes. …
Carlos Enrique Gomez-Alvarez, arrested in New York while taking the bar exam in Buffalo, also entered a not guilty plea in New York on Wednesday and is expected to be transported to Utah this week.

Arrested while taking the bar exam? That’s got to add up to a galactic fail.
After the jump, check out some tips on what to do next.

The Stimulist has some excellent tips on what to do now that you have finished the exam:

You won’t find out the results for another few months. And you won’t have a job to distract you from the exam until September–assuming you’re one of the lucky ones. So for the next few weeks, you really have one big challenge–to completely forget about the thing that just ate up the past 10 weeks of your life.
To do that, you’ll need to take two steps:
1. Don’t spend every day from now until November convincing yourself that you failed
2. Have fun

Before you go back to your life of fun and excitement, take a moment to share your thoughts on the summer 2009 bar exam, in the comments.
WARNING: Please do NOT discuss actual questions or topics from today’s bar exam in this thread. We will delete your comment and ban you from commenting if we see it, and we will NOT FIGHT anybody who subpoenas us to obtain your IP address.
RELAX: How to Survive Post-Bar Exam Purgatory [The Stimulist]
Salt Lake City attorney accused in worker-visa scandal to be released from jail [Salt Lake Tribune]
