Non-Sequiturs 01.21.10

Editor’s note: Go off the Deep End with Marin tonight at 7:30 p.m. EST.
* Freedom of the press or sexual assault? An Italian journalist plays ball with David Beckham. [TMZ]
* Today marks the first appearance of the word “blog” in a SCOTUS opinion. [Volokh Conspiracy]
* The Declaration of Independents. [Instapundit]
* Lawrence Lessig skimmed the Citizens United ruling and weighs in via video before a flight to Boston. Congress needs prompting and a baby in the background needs soothing. [Change Congress]
* TSA worker plays joke, makes woman cry, gets fired. [Philadelphia Inquirer]
* Adventures in Lawyer Advertising: “There are some cases even we can’t win.” [Lowering the Bar]
* Cindy McCain goes rogue on Prop 8. [True/Slant]
