Non-Sequiturs: 01.26.10

* Remember the guy who dressed up as a pimp to “sting” ACORN workers? Well, he’s at it again, this time caught attempting to bug the office of Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu. What a hero. [New Orleans Times-Picayune]
* Vinny from Jersey Shore is contemplating going to law school. You know, Yale or Harvard if this whole sleazy mamma’s boy thing doesn’t work out. [Perez Hilton]
* InStyle magazine probably has a likelihood of confusion lawsuit, if they want it. [Fashionista]
* If you are a professor who specializes in the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, now is your time to shine. [FCPA Professor]
* Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks he can deal with California’s prison overcrowding problem by sending the excess convicts to Mexico. I have a much better idea. Let’s allow an elite group of gladiators to hunt prisoners that could be persuaded to escape. We could put it on television, and offer the prisoners money and freedom should they survive this ultimate escape (hosted by Jeff Probst of course). Granted it might take, I don’t know, seven years to get this thing fully operational, but the ratings would be through the roof and the ad dollars would really help California’s budgetary woes. If only I could think of a title for the show … [WSJ Law Blog]
