Non-Sequiturs: 10.29.10

* More on how home owner’s insurance policies and New York’s negligent supervision laws will dictate what happens to the bike riding four-year-old girl. [New York Personal Injury Law Blog]

* You think I’m crazy for not being able to get by on $25oK? I’m doing better than Nic Cage. [Concurring Opinions]

* Start creating a niche for yourself, as early as possible. Sorry, Four Loko blogger is already taken. [Lawyerist]

* Rhyming, benchslapping judges. [Legal Skills Prof Blog]

* Here are some thing 1Ls can do to take their minds off of the terrible job market. [Legal Diversions]

* A take off of the So You Want to Go to Law School video, examines the presidency. [Holy Hullabaloos]
