Morning Docket: 12.10.10

* The lawyer tasked with defending Obamacare paces hallways, muttering to himself. Good to hear Asperger’s is not a death sentence anymore. [New York Times]

* Three New Orleans cops were convicted of, well, going Lord of the Flies on some poor guy in the aftermath of Katrina. [CNN]

* Jenn Sterger says she won’t sue if the NFL suspen… you know what? Just click the link. [New York Post]

* So apparently federal prosecutor is a tenured position? [USA Today]

* Wake me up when DADT is actually repealed. Actually, don’t. If I’m sleeping, I doubt I need to be woken up just to find out that DADT has been repealed. That’s an insane reason to be woken up. [Washington Post]

* Vampire squids have rights too. [Los Angeles Times]

* Judge Roberto Pineiro, R.I.P. [Miami Herald]
