ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 2)Beyond Biglaw; advice for 1Ls; networking.

Above the Law recently produced a webcast, We Know What You Should Do This Summer, in which a panel of career experts discussed how law students can make the most of their summers. The panel was sponsored by our friends at the Practical Law Company, which provides law students with free access to its excellent resources so they can succeed over the summer. Check out PLC’s law student home page to learn more.

We divided the webcast into different segments on discrete topics, for posting on Above the Law. We posted the first clip over here. Now, on to the second segment….

As you may recall from the intro post, the panel consisted of:

In this next part of the webcast, the panelists discuss such topics as summer opportunities beyond Biglaw, including government and public interest work; what to do your 1L summer to set yourself up for fall recruiting as a 2L; and networking, in terms of both its importance and how to do it properly (a topic that’s relevant to lawyers as well as law students):


Stay tuned for the next installments, which will be appearing soon. And thanks again to our sponsor, the Practical Law Company, which offers amazing resources for both practicing lawyers and law students.

Earlier: ATL Webcast: Career Advice for This Summer (Part 1): Introductions, and how to find a summer job.
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