A Message from Career Services: Ladies, Please Learn How to Dress Yourselves

We thought that we had gotten the point across on this in October: ladies, if you dress like hookers, the only jobs you'll get will be underneath a partner's desk. But apparently that message fell on deaf ears, because one law school's Career & Professional Development Office had to co-sponsor an event with the school's Women Law Students Association on how to properly dress for an interview....

Ladies, you really should wear makeup. If you don’t trust us, please pick up the closest New York Times. Maybe you’ll believe what they tell you about how awful your face looks when you refuse to put makeup on.

And since the lovely ladies of Duke Law apparently don’t like to wear makeup (or know how to put it on), we suggest that the Career & Professional Development Office hold a master class on proper makeup application. They might want to call it “How Not to Look Like a Circus Clown.”
