Non-Sequiturs: 11.30.11

* This is why we are losing to China. [Wall Street Journal]

* Remember a while back when I said that this was Bloomberg’s city and New Yorkers are just living in it? The Mayor agrees with me. [TPM]

* McDonald’s gets around the stupid Happy Meal Ban law like Elie gets to the head of the line the day that McRibs come back. It’s entirely possible that I have Stockholm Syndrome. [Legal Blog Watch]

* Kash found a judge who kind of gets it. [Forbes / Not-So Private Parts]

* Boy, law profs are really pissed about the notion that legal scholarship is overly expensive. [Law Librarian Blog]

* When anti-bullying goes real wrong. [Simple Justice]

* I bet if U.S. News started ranking Law School Career Service Offices, CSO employees wouldn’t be so quick to blame the students. [U.S. News]


* Every time somebody offers to be the internet police, I respectfully decline. [The Trial Warrior Blog]
