You Know Your Law School Really Cares When You Get Holiday Cards Like This

You know that it's the holiday season when your inbox begins to fill up with holiday cards. Some are cute, some are clever, some are heartfelt, and some come from people and companies you don't even remember meeting or doing business with. So what happens when a law school sends out a holiday card, but completely botches it?

You know that it’s the holiday season when your inbox begins to fill up with holiday cards. Some are cute, some are clever, some are heartfelt, and some come from people and companies you don’t even remember meeting or doing business with.

And even though these people can’t be bothered to spend the time and money necessary to send real holiday cards in the mail, they still took a few minutes out of their day to send an email. At least sending out a holiday card via mass email gives the appearance that the sender cares about you. As many mothers would say, it’s the thought that counts.

So what happens when a law school sends out a holiday card, but completely botches it? This New York law school previously provided walking instructions to its students, but maybe the administration needs instructions on how to send out emails that are a little less insulting….

When it’s the thought that counts, you’d think that a law school would at least attempt to send out a holiday card that wasn’t so damn thoughtless.

Several tipsters emailed us about the holiday card they received from Cardozo Law via email. Rather than go into detail here about all of its faults, we’ll just show it to you. It speaks for itself:


It’s fitting that Hanukkah starts today at sundown. This botched holiday card is bad enough to bring the law school humiliation for eight days and nights.

Our favorite line: “Thank your customer, tell them how valuable they are to you, but don’t go overboard. Insincerity is easy to spot.” Dear God, the irony.

Let’s look on the bright side: at least they weren’t asking for money — because if they were, Cardozo would be a little short on gelt this holiday season.

UPDATE (6:30 PM): John DeNatale of Cardozo Law contacted us and provided the following explanation:

Just for the record, the copy that appears after the Cardozo holiday message was part of the email services’ default template language. My name appears because the account is in my name, but nobody here at Cardozo wrote that text. We’re sorry for the mistake. We really do wish everyone a happy holiday.


The mistake, while unfortunate, is certainly understandable — technology has its perils. In any event, Happy Hanukkah!

Earlier: Above the Law’s Third Annual Holiday Card Contest

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