Justice Scalia at Wesleyan: Now With Photos and Video

When Justice Scalia spoke at Wesleyan University on Thursday night, he was greeted by protesters. What did they have to say? Here are photos and videos.

To be honest, I was a little disappointed. Some of their slogans weren’t terribly original:

Some of their slogans were a little tortured. In this clip, they’re chanting, “Hey hey, ho ho, Scalia has got to go.” If you’re having trouble hearing them, well, they were having trouble chanting:

Finally, they didn’t chant their slogans with sufficient gusto:

It wasn’t all sloganeering. They also engaged in legal analysis of the controversial Citizens United decision (this clip is a bit longer than the others, about half a minute):


Okay, I’ve poked a little fun at the protesters — but, at the same time, part of me is glad that they came out. In a country where two-thirds of the people can’t name a single Supreme Court justice — if you can name all nine justices, congratulations, you are the one percent — it’s nice to see that a justice still has enough star power to draw a crowd. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, the only thing worse than being protested is not being protested.

Earlier: Justice Scalia Goes to Wesleyan
