Career Alternatives for Attorneys: Perfumer

In today's look at alternative careers for lawyers, we meet a lawyer who now has his own perfume business on a Caribbean island.

In Stealth Lawyers, their excellent ongoing video series on career alternatives for attorneys, our friends at Bloomberg Law have covered the range of human needs. They’ve written about lawyers who help us eat, drink, and laugh. Is there really more to life than that?

As a matter of fact, there is. It’s important that you smell good while doing all these things.

Bloomberg has you covered. In today’s installment, they profile a prosecutor turned perfumer. Before he switched careers, he saved up a lot of money….

Meet John Berglund. Before he plunged into perfume, he worked as a prosecutor, a lobbyist, and a trade association executive. Now he has a perfumery in the Caribbean where he makes signature fragrances, for women and men, and where visitors can make their own scents.

So how do you make your own perfume? How did Berglund wind up in the Caribbean? On which island does he reside? And — perhaps most interestingly for those with dreams deferred — how much money did he have to save up before leaving the law to follow his passion for perfume?


Wow — that’s a lot of money. I don’t know if you need to put away that much before exploring an alternative career (unless you’re aiming to start up a business in a foreign land, as Berglund did).

If you’re inspired by Berglund’s tale, you can read more in his book, A Beach Less Traveled (affiliate link). As the East Coast weather gets colder, decamping to the Caribbean becomes more and more appealing. All you need is a dollar — or, really, a lot of dollars — and a dream.

Stealth Lawyer: John Berglund, Caribbean Perfumer [Bloomberg Law via YouTube]
A Beach Less Traveled [Amazon (affiliate link)]

Earlier: Career Alternatives for Attorneys: Comedian
Career Alternatives for Attorneys: Forager
Career Alternatives for Attorneys: Master of Wine
