Bar Exam Horror Stories: Losing Power > Losing Bladder Control

This is the kind of ridiculousness that happens when you don't pass the July bar and have to sit for it again in February.

My God, I am glad I wasn’t cast down with the sodomites and forced to take the February administration of the bar exam. Apparently, not only does February have the usual amount of administrative errors, but some of the students who take the February exam are downright gross.

Yesterday, we told you about the power outage during the Missouri bar exam. We need to close the loop on that because the power came back on, but the technology did not.

Still, at least the people in Missouri maintained basic human civility. You can’t say the same for the test takers in Texas….

As we reported yesterday, Missouri decided to administer its bar exam in a snow storm. In Jefferson City, the power went out. I’ll let a tipster pick up the story from there:

Power went out right after we broke for lunch, thanks to the snow. Not a big deal. We can handle it. We’re hardy people in the midwest.

When we returned at our appointed time (1pm), power was still out, so they said to return at 2pm.

2pm, they told us to come back at 2:30, and a few people bugged out, right before the lights returned.

So we waited for them.

Exam kicked off at 2:45. At 2:46, the director stopped us. Please turn your books over and stop what you’re doing.

ExamSoft’s files were corrupted due to the outage, but… don’t worry, you can download a new file when the crappy hotel resets the router.

3:25pm. Oh, shit. Sorry. You have to have your ExamSoft password. And since 90% don’t know it (and the crappy hotel’s crappy internet connection won’t let all 150 of you check your email), YOU WILL ALL HANDWRITE YOUR ESSAYS.

For three hours.

Exit at 6:30. One hundred and fifty pissed off people who want to sue somebody.

And who have to pee.

Where do they find the slow-witted, slow-to-adapt people who administer exams? Exam proctors and election workers must be cut from the same “I’ve memorized this speech, but I can barely freaking read” cloth. The decision to go to handwriting should have happened much earlier in the proceedings.


I’ll say this for the great state of Missouri though, those kids don’t spend a lot of time bitching. Sure, this tipster here joked about suing, but if this had gone down in New York or Boston, instead of Jefferson City, we’d have gotten a slew of emails about how the exam was compromised and how failing scores should be disregarded.

But the general reaction from the Show Me state has been, “This sucked, I’m gonna get a beer.”

Maybe this Texas bar exam taker would have shook up some “hardy” Midwesterners. From the blog Legally Fabulous:

Yall I swear to God I would not have believed this happen if I had not been there.

The guy in the row behind me apparently asked the proctor if he could get up to use the restroom when there were less than 15 minute left. You’re not allowed to leave your seat during the last 15 minutes. If you have to go, go before then. Take 90 seconds, get up, and use the restroom. OKAY?!

So the proctor says no, you can’t go.

Apparently ole guy behind me decides that if he’s not going to be allowed to get up and use the restroom when he needs to go HE IS JUST GOING TO DUMP OUT THE ZIPLOC BAGGIE CONTAINING HIS PENS AND PENCILS AND WHIP HIS WIENER OUT AND PISS IN THE BAG.

After peeing in the bag, the guy apparently left anyway. So, I suppose peeing in the bag was really just a statement for this proud graduate of some unknown law school that should nonetheless be ashamed of itself.


The moral of this story? Take and pass the July bar. Jesus Christ.

Texas Bar Exam Day One [Legally Fabulous]

Earlier: Bar Brrr: Missouri Bar Exam Gets Snowed Under