Not All Bingham Staffers Will Be Getting Lucky in Kentucky

This Biglaw firm supports gay marriage, but the state where its new global services center is located does not. Thoughts?

The different jurisdictional treatments of same-sex marriage are not the only factor influencing businesses’ decisions about where to locate operations. As all businesses do, we make our decisions about where to locate our operations by balancing several relevant—and sometimes competing—factors. In light of the multiple criteria we utilized in deciding where to locate our new global services center, we remain very confident in and pleased about our choice of Lexington, Kentucky, for our new operational hub.

— A representative for Bingham McCutchen, commenting in response to criticisms about the firm’s decision to open a global services center in Kentucky, a state where gay marriage is outlawed. Bingham recently filed an amicus brief arguing that the Defense of Marriage Act is “bad for business.”
