A Delightful Holiday Greeting If You Kind Of Hate Women

It didn't make it into our holiday card competition for a reason.

We enjoy a good holiday card here at ATL. We hold an annual competition to crown the firm that maximizes the opportunity to spread cheer to its friends and professional acquaintances. And if a card is really doing its job, it makes clients remember that you run the most interesting firm in the world.

And then there are cards like this. So if you want to see exactly how out of touch with the modern era this law firm is, click on….

The Edelsteins, Faegenburg & Brown LLP sent out this gem:

Oh, how hilarious is that? A real knee-slapper if you’re a 5-year-old boy. And it’s 1952.

At some point in the last couple months, the all-male firm sat down, looked at a bunch of options, and made an affirmative decision that this was the message they wanted the world to associate with their firm. Well, I said “all-male,” but I forgot the “Live Chat” girl in the corner of the website waiting to talk to YOU, who is obviously some stock image of a generically attractive woman designed to further lure clients looking for a new hot little number to the party line.

In fairness, the firm has a bustling divorce practice, and if it’s interested in limiting itself to, oh, say exactly 50 percent of the market, it’s probably not going to go broke telling men going through a divorce that women are evil harpies sent from on high to undermine their masculinity. Still, if the firm is trying to sell:


We are established child custody and visitation lawyers because we understand that the separation of two parents can be a very stressful and emotionally painful time for all parties involved. You need a firm that will help you win child custody or visitation and will look out for your child’s best interest.

Indulging the, “your whore mother” imagery isn’t the best recipe if a client is actually pulling for the child’s best interest.

So there you have it. If you’ve been looking for a firm whose misogyny matches your own, we’ve got your men.

Earlier: ATL Holiday Card Contest: The Finalists!
ATL Holiday Card Contest: The Winner!
