Best Law Schools for Getting a Biglaw Job (2014)

Which law schools lead the pack for Biglaw job placement?

You can check out the full “Go-To vs. U.S. News” list here. Some interesting highlights (click to enlarge):

Note that these law schools are stereotypical second- and third-tier institutions. Despite what critics might say, it is possible to go to Biglaw if you hail from a lower-ranked law school. Of course, we should warn readers that the percentage of graduates heading to the holy land is much smaller when compared to the elite law schools that top the NLJ’s list. (For example, while T14 schools shipped 44 to 65 percent of graduates off to Biglaw, the lower-ranked schools sent 8 to 12 percent of their graduates to Biglaw. It’s the difference between being able to pay off your law school debts in a timely fashion, and… not.)

Either way you slice it, this list is incredibly useful — and even more so, now that tuition has been listed — in that it’s a great way for law students, both current and prospective, to gauge their employment prospects in a still-recovering market. Use it wisely and ignore it at your peril.

The Go-To Law Schools [National Law Journal]
Firm Favorites in 2014 [National Law Journal]
Go-To vs. U.S. News [National Law Journal]
Ranking the Go-To Law Schools [National Law Journal]
Columbia Takes the Lead [National Law Journal]

Earlier: Best Law Schools for Getting a Biglaw Job (2013)
Best Law Schools for Getting a Biglaw Job (2012)
Best Law Schools for Getting a Biglaw Job (2011)
Best Law Schools for Getting a Biglaw Job (2010)
