The Supreme Court Protestor Speaks!

After spending the night in jail, the Supreme Court protestor explains his actions.

Two days ago, a protestor stood up during oral arguments at the Supreme Court to tell the justices that they created a legally sanctioned plutocracy with their decision in Citizens United. The whole thing was caught on camera because one was smuggled into the courtroom, which was almost more interesting than the protest itself.

It was pretty exciting. Justice Ginsburg almost woke up for it.

Now the Supreme Court protestor has spoken, and here’s what he had to say….

Mike Sacks interviewed Noah (who apparently goes by “Kai”) Newkirk of 99 Rise this morning and asked about the protest, the smuggled camera, and where Newkirk’s case goes from here.


Now that’s staying on message! I don’t even think waterboarding would have gotten him to tell Mike about that camera.

Earlier: Protestor Interrupts SCOTUS Arguments, Cops Teach Him Limits Of Free Speech
Morning Docket: 02.28.14
