Would You Hire This Dick As Your Attorney?

This is an interesting way to advertise.

Some lawyers play it safe in advertising. Nice, soothing, monotone assurances read off cue cards against a backdrop of legal tomes that no one actually reads anymore. Others kick in the door to jump into hell with guns blazing and admit they think like criminals or channel sociopaths for the sake of branding. We like the latter.

Like this guy, who knows people think lawyers are all dicks anyway. So why not advertise as the genuine article?

Hire a Dick! Eric Dick.

Dick is a bad faith insurance attorney with an LL.M. in tax law. We aren’t sure from where, but he tells us this on his site:

Graduated cum laude from a law schools known for having the most competitive students.

Apparently not the law schools with the best copy-editing.


But that aside, Dick deserves a lot of credit here. It’s not all “fighting for you” platitudes like a lot of ads. In fact, the most important line in this ad is probably the reminder that “the insurance company will have a lawyer, you should too.” Far too many folks think they can handle their insurance company fight until it’s too late. Aw, silly Americans. They think their premiums pay for coverage as opposed to lawyers bent on denying coverage. So there’s actually some practical advice in here! That makes for a reasonably impressive ad when it comes to this industry. Sure there’s some stilted line reading and hokey copy, but that’s par for the course in a local ad.

Plus Dick understands the critical importance of a memorable catchphrase.

And also explosions.

Pro tip: Always. Have. Explosions.

Earlier: Greatest Lawyer Ad Ever: ‘Trust Me, I May Have A Law Degree, But I Think Like A Criminal!’
For When You Absolutely, Positively Need A Violent Sociopath To Represent You
