Why Are Susman Godfrey Associates So Happy These Days?

What do Susman Godfrey associates share in common with famous rappers? A taste for pricey cognac.

Since our partners exist in a state of perpetual bliss, I asked our associates about the most significant events in boosting their morale. The consensus is:

a. The hotel security camera footage of a very strong associate relocating a huge statue during the middle of the night during our firm retreat in Deer Valley, Utah.

b. Providing free snacks to all employees in our various offices.

c. Offering “standing desks” to asso­ciates who prefer them.

d. Maintaining our composure when our associates decided to charge us for — and consume — a case of cognac pre-dating the McKinley administration.

Neal Manne, a managing partner of Susman Godfrey, explaining to the Texas Lawyer why firm morale was so high. Item (d) “substantially eroded the proceeds from the firm’s $1.3 billion settlement for the class in the Toyota unintended accelerated litigation” — and caused the statue incident mentioned in item (a).
