Jon Stewart On Charleston Shooting -- It's A Must Watch

Is Jon Stewart's monologue funny? No. Is it poignant and worth your time? Absolutely.

As with all television shows with even a hint of a political bent, last night Jon Stewart took on the terrible, racist shooting that took place in Charleston, South Carolina on Wednesday. It was a weighty task, and certainly not an easy one to tackle. Stewart abandoned jokes and opted for honesty, expressing his sadness and frustration.

The frustration was especially poignant because, as Stewart said, despite all of the tragedy and anger over this hate crime, “we still won’t do jackshit.” It was an apt indictment of American politics and the legal system — even if Nikki Haley gets her way and the death penalty is employed in this case, the societal structures that created this monster will go unchanged. It is still too easy for anyone to get a gun and the confederate flag still flies over the South Carolina state house.

This is why Stewart will be missed when he leaves late night TV.
