Stats Of The Week: Law Student Debt Compared To Other Graduate Programs

How does law student borrowing compare to that of medical students, MBAs, or other graduate programs?

The staggering debt burden taken on by law students to finance their degrees is hardly a secret. ATL features a seemingly endless parade of stories about law grads who are struggling to get out from under the loan obligations for a degree that, in many cases, they aren’t even using. But taking a step back, how does law student borrowing compare with that of medical students, MBAs, or other graduate programs? (Spoiler: Not well.)

NPR recently pulled some comparative data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. Only 16% of law students graduate debt-free, a figure that looks even worse compared to the 45% of unencumbered MBAs and 69% of debt-free PhDs. In fact, according to this data, the median debt for PhDs is zero.

Check out the NPR/NPSAS findings:
