Income-Based Law School Debt Repayment Will Eventually Ruin You Financially

Your law school debt will come back to haunt you even after it's been forgiven.

Game of LoansIt’s incredibly depressing to think about, that bankruptcy may be your only option … to start over at 55 when you worked so hard to get an education to better yourself and society.

Michael Hulshof, a 2012 graduate of the University of La Verne College of Law who was profiled in a recent NBC News article on personal finance, commenting on the ticking tax time bomb that’s perhaps better known as income-based loan repayment.

(When Hulshof graduated from law school, he had $145,000 in student debt. Today, thanks to accruing interest of roughly $1,500 a month, he has about $220,000 in student debt. By the time his debt is forgiven at the end of the 25-year repayment plan, he’ll owe the government approximately $400,000. Hulshof estimates that he’ll owe up to $175,000 in taxes on his forgiven law school debt.)
