What Does Hillary Clinton's Election Loss Mean For Women Lawyers?

Perhaps women in the legal profession have been kidding themselves all this time...

Hillary Clinton (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty)

Hillary Clinton (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty)

For all those women out there who’ve played by the rule book, Hillary Clinton’s loss feels distinctly personal. For women lawyers, particularly, she was one of our own.

She did what many of us did and still do: We were the good kids in school—the ones who didn’t interrupt or get into trouble. We not only did our homework and got A’s, but we did extra credit. We went off to top schools and graduated with honors. We wanted to prove ourselves and happily took jobs in a male-dominated profession. We worked our butts off, put up with all sorts of nonsense and sucked it up. We paid our dues and finally attained professional respect and success.

But seldom the top job.

That always seems to go to one of the boys….

Which bring us to this: Women always knew things weren’t fair, but they could live with that because they thought working harder and hanging tough meant we’d eventually triumph. We put up with a lot of B.S. because we believe, fundamentally, that things are getting better.

But Trump’s victory tells us we’ve been kidding ourselves.


Vivia Chen of The Careerist at the American Lawyer, in a poignant column about the impact Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 presidential election has had on female lawyers.

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is an editor at Above the Law. She’d love to hear from you, so feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.
