The Problem With An Out Of Control District Attorney

What is this district attorney capable of?

Nico LaHood (Photo by Wikimedia Commons)

Our elected district attorney, based on no wrongdoing on the part of two well-respected lawyers, flies into a rage and threatens them in the presence of a district judge. If he has so little self-control that he does that to two good lawyers in the presence of the judge, what else is he capable of doing to other lawyers who are less well-respected when a judge is not around?

— Attorney Mark Stevens on the chilling effect a prosecutor can have on defense attorneys. Stevens is discussing the case of the San Antonio District Attorney, Nico LaHood. Readers will remember LaHood was accused of threatening the livelihood of two defense attorneys… in front a judge who later testified about the threats. A judge in the underlying criminal case found LaHood did threaten the defense, citing the testimony of the then-judge, Lori Valenzuela (she recused herself when she became a witness).
