White Supremacists Sue To Invade Another College Campus

They're counting on the First Amendment crowd playing their appeasement tune.


Here’s how Nazis want it to work in America right now:

  • White supremacists try to go to colleges to teach people how to hate their neighbors.
  • Colleges and universities say, “Dude, you’re a Nazi, you can’t speak here.”
  • White supremacists, whose people control all three branches of government mind you, scream “FREE SPEECH, FREE SPEECH,” and sue.
  • A white court rules “Golly, there’s nothing we can do about white supremacists encouraging people to destroy non-whites. Good thing I’m white or else this would be very disturbing.”
  • Richard Spencer shows up and gets punched in the face.
  • The media talks about Antifa for a week, because making a distinction between oppressors and liberators is too complicated to do on TV, according to whoever keeps giving Megyn Kelly money.
  • White supremacists actually kill someone. These white supremacists disavow those white supremacists, like I freaking give a s**t about which version of genocide and ethnic separatism you happen to support this week.
  • The cycle repeats.

Now that Charlottesville has died down, another cycle has started. Richard Spencer’s group, the National Policy Institute, were denied a room to spread hate from by Michigan State University. So, now they’re suing. Michigan State says that they denied the speaking permit because of campus safety concerns, but the Nazis say they wouldn’t hurt a fly (well, not a white fly at least), it’s the dangerous left that causes the safety problems. From the Detroit Free Press:

But there’s no threat from the NPI, the lawsuit claims, instead pinning the blame on the left for well-publicized violence around their appearances.

“Radical leftists affiliated with the Antifa (anti-facist) political movement have previously violently attacked Spencer and Spencer’s supporters at venues which Spencer and Spencer’s supporters peacefully assembled…” says the lawsuit, filed by Michigan attorney Kyle Bristow on behalf of Cameron Padgett, the organizer of Spencer’s speeches.

Yeah, as I’m sure lots of Nazis have already forgotten, it was their side who killed a woman in Charlottesville. Yes, I’ve seen the video of the Nazi catching a beatdown from Antifa, but — I’ll say it again because I know that sometimes white people have difficulty hearing things from a minority — THE NAZIS KILLED A WOMAN. WITH A CAR. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. So can we COOL IT with the false equivalencies for one entire second?

Having white supremacists on campus is a safety concern because white supremacists are a threat to the safety of EVERY NON-WHITE PERSON IN THE COUNTRY:


* You, black “libertarian” who thinks your economic conservatism and white girlfriend makes you post-racial… they’ll kill you.
* You, Asian-American who thinks that “hard work” is better than “handouts,” and believes that we should hash things out in the “marketplace of ideas”… they’ll kill you.
* You, Cuban-American who still thinks we need to be tough on Castro and thinks the wall is a good idea because you are obsessed with the idea that somebody cut ahead of the line… they’ll kill you.
* You, Jewish person… they’ll kill you… though unlike the rest of these fools, you already know that.

I have no intention of waiting around for them to try to kill me before I demand protection from their “free speech.” If you’re a white male, you can afford to wait till I’m on a train to the camps before contemplating a more robust distinction between protected and unprotected speech. You have that luxury. You have that privilege.

Me, I can’t afford to play the appeasement game. It’ll be too late for me and my family. These Nazis and white supremacists are coming. They want it to be one way, but we need to make it the other way.

Of course Michigan State can deny these dangerous people a room on-campus. The First Amendment does not require that every obscene and violent expression imaginable must be protected. And if you can’t square STOPPING NAZIS with your conception of free speech, then we need new standards and new conceptions of the right.

White supremacist lawsuit against MSU: We don’t cause violence; leftist activists to blame [Detroit Free Press]


Elie Mystal is an editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at elie@abovethelaw.com. He will resist.