Do The Work

Attorney Survival: Finding Resilience When Experiencing A Workplace Conflict Or Setback

Experiencing a major workplace conflict or setback can be both distracting and upsetting.

lawyers-fighting-outside-courthouse-attorneys-300x201Experiencing a major workplace conflict or setback can be both distracting and upsetting. But to keep your cool and handle the pressure, you’ll need to tap into your resilience. Below are a few tips on staying resilient even when workplace adversity is a major issue.

  1. Center your purpose.  When you feel that conflict at your firm is boiling up to a point of explosion or that you’re not getting what you’re due, remember your purpose. Why are you working in the legal field? Why have you chosen this particular law firm? Is the purpose to find fulfilling work in the legal field, support your family, or pursue some noble cause? Whatever your purpose, remember it in the moment of conflict so that you’re less likely to lose your cool under pressure.
  2. Remember your goals. Oftentimes conflicts arise when our goals clash with someone else’s agenda. But not matter how hot a conflict gets, you must remember that you can’t attain your goals by allowing others to throw you off your agenda. To stay focused and to find the strength to bounce back, you must remember what your specific goals are, and if something is in your way figure out a way around it.
  3. Problem solve. Conflict can get you emotional, but emotions can cloud judgment and logic. This is bad news for you problem solving skills. If you’ve been put into a revved up emotional state and can’t think straight, take a step back and begin to attack the situation from the stand point of logic. Approaching the problem from an analytical angle will make it easier for you to be resilient in the face of frustrating obstacles.
  4. Confidence. A strong belief in your abilities is the cornerstone of resilience. Resilient people have a sense of knowing that they can handle anything thrown at them. And that confidence gives them the courage to try again even when a conflict with others has blocked a specific path to attaining their goals. With confidence on their side, and a commitment to problem solving, resilient people forge new roads to attaining their goals even in the face of great obstacles.
  5. Flexibility. The ability to shift with change is the cornerstone of resilience. Rigid people are unable to handle major conflicts, a reality that can destroy careers. If you’re flexible with your goals, strategy, and tactics, you can bounce back from and maneuver around any adversaries who are attempting to stop your progress.
  6. Social support.       It is absolutely necessary that every attorney cultivate a strong social support network. These people will help you recover from setbacks and conflicts. Your social support network should include friends, family, and trusted colleagues who can advise you when you’re facing adversity at the workplace. Take the time to build a strong social network, you won’t regret it.

Workplace conflicts and setbacks come with the territory of being a lawyer. But it’s never a smart move to allow adversity to make you overly emotional, cloud your judgment, or make you lose faith in your abilities. By tapping into your well of resilience, you can bounce back from any difficult situation you face and come back stronger than ever.



Smokeball - Lynn_ProfessionalLynn Luong is the Digital Marketing Manager for Smokeball, a case management software that increases productivity and efficiency for solo attorneys  and small law firms to become more profitable.  Lynn has over 8 years of experience in marketing with a focus on digital by developing successful strategies and managing many areas of marketing.

