Legislative and regulatory sources—all on one lexis.com® page


We’re pleased to announce that you can receive even faster access to critical legislative and regulatory content on lexis.com, relied on by legal professionals everywhere, now easily found on a single page.

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Introducing Legislative & Regulatory Resources at lexis.com—the fast, simple way to access legislative and regulatory content you need at lexis.com.

At the Legal tab, select Area of Law – By Topic, and then click Legislative & Regulatory Resources.

On one page discover links to:

  • 50 state bills and bill tracking plus proposed regulatory text and tracking sources
  • CFR and Federal Register
  • Congressional bills, bill tracking, Public Laws, hearings, committee reports and more
  • Congressional Record, Congressional Quarterly and other legislative news sources
  • Federal historical content, Congressional Documents (1789-1969)

Even find access to available municipal codes!

Now exclusively from LexisNexis® ALM content

LexisNexis is now the exclusive, online third-party provider of the broad full-text collection of industry-leading ALM legal news titles, practice area treatises and forms, and an expanding collection of jury verdict and settlement intelligence. Because of this exclusive arrangement, LexisNexis is uniquely positioned to bring you even more of the critical content you need to drive informed decisions and achieve better outcomes.

Get more details—and access to this new resource.