Looking for ways to reduce your e-discovery data?


Find out how Bingham McCutchen LLP reduced their discovery data by as much as 90% with LexisNexis® Early Data Analyzer, a ground-breaking early case assessment tool.

Download the Bingham McCutchen case study.

Bingham McCutchen’s litigation technology group was no stranger to early case assessment tools. In fact, the firm had been using Early Case Assessment (ECA) tools through an external hosting model—using outside vendors to filter files under their direction.

Challenged to better leverage the investments they were making in the hosted model, the team conducted an in-depth internal analysis to assess whether there would be greater cost-efficiencies to be gained if they could bring ECA software in-house.

The verdict:Their analysis concluded that the litigation technology department could potentially save the firm—and its clients—a significant amount of money by internalizing an ECA tool.

The tool they selected: LexisNexis® Early Data Analyzer.

LexisNexis Early Data Analyzer simplifies the complex task of data assessment. With Early Data Analyzer there was no need to move data. It allowed the team to analyze and eliminate e-discovery where it lives—on networks and computer hard drives—eliminating duplicate and irrelevant documents before costly processing.

Find out firsthand how LexisNexis Early Data Analyzer helped Bingham McCutchen to:
• Experience significant data reduction, typically ranging from 80 – 90% depending on the nature of the case and the data
• Achieve considerable cost savings per case resulting from the data reduction
• Ensure defensibility through detailed reports showing the documents included and excluded in your production set
• Increase control over e-discovery workflow
• And much more!

To read their whole story, download the Bingham McCutchen case study.