AdmissionsDean is THE source for information about law school

AdmissionsDean is the best place to learn about law school--for free. Use AdmissionsDean to research law schools, track fellow applicants, find law school scholarships, read our interviews with law school admissions deans and professors, and much more. AdmissionsDean is now the most popular law school applicant tracking site on the Internet! The real power of AdmissionsDean is unleashed when users register (anonymously) and input basic information about themselves, like their LSAT score(s), undergraduate GPA and the law schools to which they have applied. Registered users can then track specific law schools and applicants to see who is getting admitted, wait-listed and rejected by which schools so you can better assess your own chances. Tracking applicants also helps you identify law schools that may not currently be on your radar screen, but should be.

AdmissionsDean is the best place to learn about law school–for free. Use AdmissionsDean to research law schools, track fellow applicants, find law school scholarships, read our interviews with law school admissions deans and professors, and much more.

AdmissionsDean is now the most popular law school applicant tracking site on the Internet! The real power of AdmissionsDean is unleashed when users register (anonymously) and input basic information about themselves, like their LSAT score(s), undergraduate GPA and the law schools to which they have applied. Registered users can then track specific law schools and applicants to see who is getting admitted, wait-listed and rejected by which schools so you can better assess your own chances. Tracking applicants also helps you identify law schools that may not currently be on your radar screen, but should be.

We also have the Internet’s largest database of private law school scholarships. Paying for law school is almost as important as getting into the right law school, but the cost of attending frequently requires taking on more than $100,000 in debt. At AdmissionsDean, we are committed to helping you keep your debt load to a minimum by giving you free access to our law school scholarship database. Use our powerful Law School Scholarship Finder to find all the scholarships for which you qualify. Join AdmissionsDean for free, today!
