Why Your Next Conversation with a “Westlaw Rep” Might Not Include Westlaw


That’s right, your next conversation with a “Westlaw rep”—now a Thomson Reuters consultant—might not even discuss Westlaw.  In today’s market, legal research is important but perhaps not top of mind.  So, why is a conversation necessary at all? Because technologies serve a higher purpose: to increase law firm profitability. To turn “Pain to Gain,” as it is said in a must-read article. And companies that were once focused on legal research information—West Publishing, for example—have morphed into companies that focus on practice technology built for the legal industry, and incorporating legal expertise into the very functions of each software product. Like Thomson Reuters, the company that now offers a full portfolio of legal-specific technologies. The most successful small firms now bring more or better-quality business in the doors, and serve those clients faster. The result is more cash flow for the firm.  Other contributing factors?


That’s right, your next conversation with a “Westlaw rep”—now a Thomson Reuters consultant—might not even discuss Westlaw.  In today’s market, legal research is important but perhaps not top of mind.  So, why is a conversation necessary at all?

Because technologies serve a higher purpose: to increase law firm profitability. To turn Pain to Gain as it is said in a must-read article. And companies that were once focused on legal research information—West Publishing, for example—have morphed into companies that focus on practice technology built for the legal industry, and incorporating legal expertise into the very functions of each software product. Like Thomson Reuters, the company that now offers a full portfolio of legal-specific technologies.

The most successful small firms now bring more or better-quality business in the doors, and serve those clients faster. The result is more cash flow for the firm.  Other contributing factors?

  • Tighter time tracking & billing
  • Less time dedicated to non-billable work
  • Access to “know-how” materials that let firms keep more work in-house when the matter or practice area is slightly outside of the norm

And of course, if clients are served in less time, they are more likely to be satisfied and able to pay.

Back to the impact on your own tech talk. In her free article From Pain to Gain, Linda Kaufman of Thomson Reuters examines what a conversation with a Thomson Reuters consultant should be like today: how interactions have changed and why.  And most importantly, she examines how you can turn a simple conversation into profitable strategic time.


Linda Kaufman is a vice president at Thomson Reuters, leading the sales teams that serve small law firms and law libraries.  Thomson Reuters’ small law firm business offers such legal solutions as the Firm Central cloud-based practice management platform, WestlawNext small law firm research plans, and FindLaw’s lawyer marketing solutions.

From Pain to Gain is the latest in the Independent Thinking series, offering practice management and business development insights for small law firms.
