Jump Start Your Lawyers' Social Media Use

Remember Buzz Lightyear’s slogan – To infinity and beyond!  Well that goal is now within reach of law firm CMO’s thanks to a new social media marketing tool from Post Beyond.  It’s easy to use and gives a law firm’s marketing team centralized control over the content that is published on social media.  At the same time it also enables the firm to seamlessly leverage the personal social networks of the firm’s entire professional staff.  With this incredibly powerful and affordable solution, Post Beyond will take your firm’s message to LinkedIn, Twitter and beyond, extending it seamlessly across the entire social media landscape. Post Beyond can be deployed by a department or a practice group or on a firm-wide basis, depending on an organization’s readiness to embrace a social media marketing program.   “Many of our corporate customers begin using Post Beyond in a limited way and discover it is also a great tool to promote internal social media awareness,” explains Ivan Tsarynny, co-founder of Post Beyond.  “Usage may start in a single department but quickly spreads across the firm.  The organization becomes more engaged simply by using the tool; the firm’s social media effort quickly picks up momentum.”

Remember Buzz Lightyear’s slogan – To infinity and beyond!  Well that goal is now within reach of law firm CMO’s thanks to a new social media marketing tool from Post Beyond.  It’s easy to use and gives a law firm’s marketing team centralized control over the content that is published on social media.  At the same time it also enables the firm to seamlessly leverage the personal social networks of the firm’s entire professional staff.  With this incredibly powerful and affordable solution, Post Beyond will take your firm’s message to LinkedIn, Twitter and beyond, extending it seamlessly across the entire social media landscape.

Post Beyond can be deployed by a department or a practice group or on a firm-wide basis, depending on an organization’s readiness to embrace a social media marketing program.   “Many of our corporate customers begin using Post Beyond in a limited way and discover it is also a great tool to promote internal social media awareness,” explains Ivan Tsarynny, co-founder of Post Beyond.  “Usage may start in a single department but quickly spreads across the firm.  The organization becomes more engaged simply by using the tool; the firm’s social media effort quickly picks up momentum.”

Post Beyond is composed of two distinct modules – the management module is used to select and curate the content that the firm wants to promote across social media channels.  In most cases, the marketing department or the communications group will be set up as system manager in order to maintain consistency and quality control over the firm’s branding and messaging as communicated through the approved items.  At the same time, anyone in the firm can easily suggest content to the manager for inclusion as an item to be promoted.  Once items have been selected, Post Beyond’s distribution module enables the manager to distribute approved posts to the rest of the firm, either by email or on an intranet page, providing each end-user with an easy one-click ability to promote these items to across their personal networks.

“Law firms have been looking for a way to harness the marketing opportunity presented by social media but at the same time they are afraid of losing control over branding and messaging and compliance,” explains Guy Alvarez, the CEO of Good2BSocial, and Post Beyond’s marketing partner in the legal market.  “That’s why we see Post Beyond as a best-in-class tool for law firms.  There is simply nothing else like it on the market today if you are looking to jump start your firm’s social media marketing efforts.”

Post Beyond and Good2bSocial are hosting two webinars on June 24th and July 8th to demonstrate the benefits and ease of use of the product. To register for the webinars please register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7190512834982861057
