Clutch Stories -- See Also

YOU WANT TO WATCH THIS MELTDOWN OF A DEPOSITION: It's worth 14 minutes. I promise. From Joe Patrice. TAKE OUR POLL: On who hates Justice Neil Gorsuch the most. By Kathryn Rubino. DID YOU HEAR THE ONE WHERE THE WHITE GUY DROVE INTO A CROWD OF PROTESTORS? No? Why? Does somebody have to die before we care about this? By my boiling rage. THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SUBPOENAS TWITTER OVER OUR FRIENDS: I'd be making a bigger deal about this case, but right now Jeff Sessions doesn't know I exist. I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible. I'm sure you understand. NOW THAT THE BAR RESULTS ARE ALMOST ALL OUT: We begin the part of our programing where the ABA pretends to care that law schools are admitting students who are unable to pass the bar. By Staci Zaretsky.

YOU WANT TO WATCH THIS MELTDOWN OF A DEPOSITION: It’s worth 14 minutes. I promise. From Joe Patrice.

TAKE OUR POLL: On who hates Justice Neil Gorsuch the most. By Kathryn Rubino.

DID YOU HEAR THE ONE WHERE THE WHITE GUY DROVE INTO A CROWD OF PROTESTORS? No? Why? Does somebody have to die before we care about this? By my boiling rage.

THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SUBPOENAS TWITTER OVER OUR FRIENDS: I’d be making a bigger deal about this case, but right now Jeff Sessions doesn’t know I exist. I’d like to keep it that way for as long as possible. I’m sure you understand.

NOW THAT THE BAR RESULTS ARE ALMOST ALL OUT: We begin the part of our programing where the ABA pretends to care that law schools are admitting students who are unable to pass the bar. By Staci Zaretsky.
