Jeff Sessions Is Being Damned By His Own Church

It'd be worth it for there to be a hell, just so Jeff Sessions has someplace to live.

Jeff Sessions (Generated by JG JPEG Library)

Putting immigrant children in cages seems to have inspired a lot of people to take a deep look into how evil the Trump administration is. Kirstjen Nielsen, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and of course Donald Trump himself have all found themselves in the barrel as the public is outraged over their bigoted and dastardly policies.

But nobody is more responsible than Jeff Sessions. Jeff Sessions has been placing his foot on the neck of innocent brown people since he took over as this country’s second Confederate Attorney General.

I’ve tried, repeatedly, to tell you how effective and brutal Sessions has been at terrorizing black and brown people. Black people in general begged you not to appoint him in the first place. Sit-ins were organized to oppose his confirmation.

One day, maybe America will try BELIEVING black people when they tell you something.

Now, this evil man is ripping children away from their families and putting them in cages, and NOW you care.



Anyway, latest member to the party against Jeff Sessions is… United Methodist Church. That’s Sessions’s denomination. Trust me, I’m as shocked as anybody that we’re here. But here’s the Huffington Post report:

More than 600 clergy and lay members of the United Methodist Church have signed a letter bringing church charges against fellow member Attorney General Jeff Sessions for the zero tolerance immigration policy that has resulted in the separation of undocumented children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The formal accusation, issued on Monday, charges Sessions with numerous violations of the denomination’s Book of Discipline, including child abuse, immorality, racial discrimination and, for his citation of Romans 13 to defend the policy, the dissemination of doctrines contrary to the standards of the UMC.

The Trump administration has made a mockery of the “religious” right, exposing their so-called “values” and deeply held beliefs as nothing more than a thin veil for their real goals of bigotry and bullying. So many religious people have thrown their hats in with a vulgar, irreligious, New York con-man. They’ve totally ceded the moral high ground.

But there are signs that the tide is turning. The Southern Baptist Convention this year started to push back against blindly participating in the culture war. Catholic bishops have condemned the policy of separating children. Now there’s this pushback from the Methodists.

If religious people in this country are willing to revoke the deal they’ve made with the devil, we could be in for interesting times, as opposed to the end times.


Methodists Bring Church Charges Against Jeff Sessions For Border Policy [Huffington Post]

Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at He will resist.