Of Course The Supreme Court Can Go Lower -- See Also

Conservative Law Prof Learns Life Comes At You Quick: JK -- he learned nothing. Think De Jure Segregation Is Over? Maybe not... This Is Not The Recommended Way To Conduct A Law School Final: Hope these students don't have to re-take their evidence exam. Got Debt? You aren't alone! Mourning The End Of Roe: It still hurts, even if you suspected it was coming.

Roe v Wade constitutionConservative Law Prof Learns Life Comes At You Quick: JK — he learned nothing.

Think De Jure Segregation Is Over? Maybe not…

This Is Not The Recommended Way To Conduct A Law School Final: Hope these students don’t have to re-take their evidence exam.

Got Debt? You aren’t alone!

Mourning The End Of Roe: It still hurts, even if you suspected it was coming.
