Do The Work

6 Steps to Stop Networking and Start Relationship-Building

One relationship at a time.

It’s easy to dread networking events. That’s probably because networking doesn’t come naturally to most people and especially lawyers, considering about 60% are introverts.¹

But, if you want to drive business in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, networking would appear to be a necessary evil since:

    • 85% of jobs are filled through networking²
    • Nearly 100% of professionals say face-to-face meetings are essential for long-term business relationships.³
    • It taps into opportunity as most of the people you meet have at least 250 contacts.­4

In light of that, here is some advice which, on the surface, may delight you and seem counter-intuitive: Stop networking. But before you break into a happy dance, here’s what you need to do instead: Build relationships.

It’s an important and empowering shift in mindset.
The idea of networking can seem intimidating: approaching total strangers, making conversation, and pitching your law firm. Building relationships, in contrast, is about being supportive and being of service. People turn to you because they know you can help them.

Doesn’t that feel so much better?

So stop networking and start building relationships. Here’s how:

