Derek Chauvin

  • Morning Docket: 01.18.23
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 01.18.23

    * Former Fox executives brand witness in FIFA bribery case as vengeful, then presumably flopped on the ground holding their shins. [Law360]

    * If the Supreme Court ditches Chevron… how will businesses react? [Bloomberg]

    * Michael Cohen is back in the news, speaking with prosecutors about the Stormy Daniels hush money deal. [New York Times]

    * Oh look! A serial objector trying to derail a settlement. This is why we can’t have nice things. []

    * Derek Chauvin is looking to get his state murder convictions thrown out. This is a big deal because it wouldn’t even get him out of jail (his federal sentence is locked in)… it’s just a bid to set a friendly precedent to the next police officer who might murder someone. [NPR]

  • Morning Docket: 10.25.21
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.25.21

    * Turns out Delta-8 has been illegal in Texas this whole time? I know weed can cause memory loss, but come on now! [Dallas Morning News]

    * Judge scolds city and police officers for not putting their community’s well being first. Maybe the officers are just big Disturbed fans? [Chicago Sun Times]

    * There is a new twist to the “are bikes vehicles” question, namely, “are e-bikes mopeds?” [Boston Globe]

    * Washington’s Supreme Court has an opportunity to strike down racial covenants in housing. Let’s cross our fingers and hope they do something the Founding Fathers wouldn’t have agreed with. [The Seattle Times]

    * Minnesota’s Supreme Court indirectly weighs in on Derek Chauvin’s 3rd degree murder charge. Good thing he’s behind bars on the 2nd degree. [Reason]
