Marc Marotta

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 04.10.15

    * Freshly exonerated, the Dersh is going after his accusers in court. [The Telegraph]

    * A lawyer prays… [Mormon Cartoonist]

    * This gal got married 10 times. Simultaneously. To different dudes. That’s mighty big of her. [New York Times]

    * Speaking of marriage, here’s a profile of Doug Hallward-Driemeier of Ropes & Gray, half of the dynamic duo arguing for marriage equality this month. [BuzzFeed]

    * Today is also the anniversary of the argument in Loving v. Virginia. [Louisville Courier-Journal]

    * Judge gives pedophile a break claiming the girl — who was THREE by the way — caused her own rape. [Addicting Info]

    * Going to Coachella? Planning to get arrested? This is your website. [Arrested at Coachella]

    * Oakland is sad. We’re talking about the baseball team specifically, but that sentence works generally. [The Legal Blitz]

    * Sad news: Foley & Lardner partner Marc Marotta, a basketball star who turned down the NBA to go to Harvard Law, has passed away at age 52. [Breitbart]

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