Non-Sequiturs: 09.19.06

* We haven’t bothered to mix it up with our various critics, mostly out of sheer laziness. You don’t read us, we don’t read you; it’s a fair trade. But the description of the fracas in Blawg Review #75 makes launching a “blog war” sound kinda fun. [Concurring Opinions]
* Now we know why bankers are richer than lawyers. [TaxProf Blog]
* Happy “judicial anniversaries” to Justice Scalia (20 years on the Court) and Justice Thomas (15 years on the Court). [Confirm Them; Confirm Them]
* Halliburton to employee injured in Iraq: We’ll help you get that medal; just promise not to sue us. [TortsProf Blog]
* Tailgating with the Elect — what could be more fun? [Southern Appeal]
* If you want to go back THAT far, credit should be given to the Superhotties of the Federal Judiciary (July 2004). [Shoelover]
