The Nino-Breyer Smackdown (Part 2): A Photo Essay

The Scalia-Breyer debate was co-sponsored by the Federalist Society and the American Consitution Society, aka “The Lion and the Lamb.” But which is which?
As promised, we bring you some pictures from last night’s debate between Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Stephen G. Breyer, on the subject of constitutional interpretation.
Our really awful photography photo essay, plus links to MSM coverage of the event, after the jump.

The event was ably moderated by Jan Crawford Greenburg, of ABC News. Hello-o-o-o-o, NURSE!

High-tech security measures were used to protect the Supreme Court justices. You could not enter the Capital Hilton ballroom unless you had a sticky blue dot placed somewhere on your person.

Curt Levey of the Committee for Justice, sporting a stylish blue dot. Why is he so happy? He just got an exciting new job.

Anyone remember Hawkins v. McGee? If you go to a doctor for a skin graft on your hand, and your hand ends up with a blue dot on it, what are your damages?

On the stage, from left to right: Eugene Meyer, president of the Federalist Society; Lisa Brown, Executive Director of the ACS; Justice Breyer; Jan Crawford Greenburg; and Justice Scalia.

The blindingly-white pate in the foreground does NOT belong to DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff.
Also, note Lisa Brown’s Ally McBeal-esque miniskirt. Figures — she’s one of those ACS chicks. No self-respecting Fed Soc gal would sport such scandalous attire.

Justice Breyer, wringing his hands. But isn’t that Justice Kennedy’s job?

Justice Scalia, seen through beer goggles. Is that why so many Democrats voted to confirm him to the Court?
(Actually, no. Just Ted Kennedy.)
Justices Scalia and Breyer: Little in Common, Much to Debate [ABC News]
US Supreme Court justices debate their views of Constitution [Associated Press]
Justices Breyer and Scalia Converse on the Constitution (video) [American Constitution Society]
